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Progress Bar

Are we there yet?


A Progress Bar is a visual indicator of the progress of a task. It can be used to show the progress of a loading state, form completion, or similar process.


Basic Example

<script setup>
import { ProgressBar } from "hyah-vue";
const now = ref(25);

  <ProgressBar :now="now" />

With No Label

<script setup>
import { ProgressBar } from "hyah-vue";
const now = ref(65);

  <ProgressBar :now="now" noLabel />


Out of the Box

  • The Progress Bar has role="progressbar" to define it as displaying progress information.
  • The Progress Bar has aria-label="Loading" by default.
  • The Progress Bar has aria-valuemin="0" and aria-valuemax="100" to define the minimum and maximum values. These can be changed via the min and max props.
  • The Progress Bar has aria-valuenow to define the current value. This can be changed via the now prop.

Custom Options

  • If the progress bar is describing the state of a particular section of the page, use the aria-describedby attribute on that section to point to the progress bar's id attribute. While the progress bar is busy, the section should have aria-busy="true".
import { ProgressBar } from "hyah-vue";

  <ProgressBar id="api-progress" now="25" />

  <section aria-describedby="api-progress" aria-busy="true">
    <!-- Pending API data -->


To customize the Progress Bar's appearance, you can override the styles on the hya-progress and hya-progress__value classes, or use the following CSS variables:

:root {
  --hya-progress-ht: 30px;
  --hya-progress-min-ht: 30px;
  --hya-progress-wd: 100%;
  --hya-progress-min-wd: 100px;
  --hya-progress-c-bg: #252529;
  --hya-progress-c-fill: var(--hya-c-primary);
  --hya-progress-c-font: var(--hya-c-font);
  --hya-progress-c-border: var(--hya-c-primary);
  --hya-progress-border-wd: 2px;
  --hya-progress-border-radius: 20px;


nowThe current value of the progress bar.number25
minThe minimum value of the progress bar.number0
maxThe maximum value of the progress bar.number100
labelThe label for the progress bar.string${now}%
ariaLabelThe aria-label for the progress bar.stringLoading
noLabelRemoves the label from the progress bar.booleanfalse